All orders from the U.S. will be shipped from our Japan office

Introduction / 條款及細則

歡迎閣下來臨 ( Welcome to visiting )

Please read carefully before using the website.

About this website :

  • 歡迎光臨 。當你瀏覽本網站的同時,即表示你已細閱此條款,同意並遵守有關條款細節的規限。本網站保留修改網站中任何資料的權利,而不需要為這些修改作出任何的預先通知。 
    Thank you for visiting By visiting this website, you agree to and acknowledge that you are bound by the terms of this Agreement. Please note that this website reserves the right to change any information without prior notice.

  • 本網站不是貨品商品的官方網站,代理商或指定商戶,故此不會為商品作出任何保養及維修。 
    This website is not the official site or that of its authorized agents. Therefore, products sold through this website are not covered by warranty or eligible for maintenance..

  • 本網站出售的所有商品均是100%原裝正貨及全新。 
    The products available on this website are genuine and brand new.

  • 本網站內所提及或顯示的商標均為原裝貨品生產商的註冊商標,他們保留所有權利和擁有權。網站中提及或使用的品牌名稱、貨品名稱或商標,並不表示這些商標擁有人與本網站有任何關連。 
    All the trademarks mentioned or displayed on this website are legally registered to their original manufacturers, entitling you to all the reserved rights of those trademarks. However, the manufacturers are not directly involved with this website.

  • 本網站不會為貨品提供購買單據,也不會提供由商舖發出之單據。 
    Please note that this website will NOT provide receipts for your purchases. In addition, it will NOT provide receipts from the shops in Japan.

  • 本網站內所顯示貨品照片顏色或會因每電腦顯示屏解像度而與實物有所偏差。 因此貨品的照片只供參考用途。 
    The color of the products in the photographs may differ slightly from the actual product itself because of the variation in every computer display. Hence, it is important to only use the photographs of the products as a reference.

  • 因貨品數量或預訂限額有限,先到者先得,如售罄或額滿恕不另行通知。 
    Being products or pre-order quotas are limited; both are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. We will not notify if items are sold out or the quota is reached.

  • 所有已售貨品均不設更換或退款服務。 
    All sales are final, and we do not offer exchanges or refunds once the products have been sold.
Disclaimer of Liability
  • 我們會不時更新網站內容,而有關內容資訊均可能隨時適時更新(售價等)而不予以任何另行通知。如網站之內容資訊與我們店舖所提供的確認之資訊有任何差誤,將以經我們最終確認的資訊作準。 
    We try to ensure that the information ( Selling price, etc. ) posted on the website is up-to-date. This website's corresponding content materials are subject to change at any time without prior notice. In the event of any conflict with the information provided here and the information provided in-store or by use in other means, it is the latter which shall prevail.

  • 本網站只有在香港設有店舖,於香港以外地區並無分店。 
    [ cotwo ] shop located in Hong Kong, there is no branch shop outside Hong Kong.
    Shop Name: cotwo
    Address: 2/F, No. 523, Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

    如有任何問題或查詢,請電郵 ( ) 我們或 +852-64158518 ( instagram / Whatsapp / LINE / Wechat )。
    If you have any inquiries, please contact us by e-mail ( ) or +852-64158518 (Instagram / Whatsapp / LINE / WeChat). 

  • 本店與其他同名之商舖及其經營者沒有任何直接或間接的關係。所有貨品如非由本網站/本店直接購買,本網站不會保證由第三者轉售之貨品是100%原裝正貨及全新。 
    We do not have any relationship with another unit as if its registered name is the same as ours. If the goods are not purchased from us, we will not certify they are authentic and 100% new. 

  • 於本出現之商標、標識、字樣和圖片皆屬圖中品牌持有人就所擁有,本帳戶並無持有任何品牌或商品的版權或商標。
    Copyright, photos, trademarks, and wordings all belong to the brands of the products. Any trademarks/names featured in this web store are owned by the respective trademark owners. This account does not own any copyrights or trademarks of the brands or products.

Purchase assistance:

  • 請將代購貨品的資料電郵至以上郵址,我們會以電郵的方式回覆閣下的訂購,閣下必需先付按金後,我們會為你代購指定商品,貨品到港後我們會儘快聯絡閣下商討有關交收貨品事宜。
    If you would like us to purchase on your behalf, please send us the details of the product to the above E-mail addresses. We will first confirm your order via E-mail. You must pay the necessary deposit before we can proceed to purchase on your behalf. Once the products arrive, we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of the details of the delivery.

Shipping Information:

Ship within Hong Kong, you may choose the following method:

  • 順豐快遞 (順豐站自取/指定地址) [需於收貨時付快遞費用]
    S.F. Express (Pick up at S.F. Store/Specified address)[Need to pay shipping fee]
  • 海外顧客:特快專遞/航空便
    Overseas customer: EMS SpeedPost / Air Mail

Customers are responsible for any potential loss that may occur during shipping. Our store will not be held liable for any actions or mishandling by the shipping company. We do not assume any risks or responsibilities associated with your use of the shipping company.


Privacy Policy

  • 所有提供給本網站的資料包括聯絡電話,電子郵件地址及送貨地址會嚴格保密。本網站不會透露或出售有關個人資料給第三者。 

    All the information you provide to this website including your contact number, email address, and delivery address is strictly private and confidential. This website does not share any personal information with anyone or sell it to third parties.