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The designer is Yasuko Furuta, who studied fashion design and patterns at Esmod Japon and Esmod Paris. In 1997, she launched TOGA, her first brand based in Tokyo, and moved to Paris in 2005 and London in 2014. Currently, in addition to the main collection TOGA, which continues to be presented at shows, there is a shoe line TOGA PULLA SHOE, a pre-collection TOGA PULLA, a menswear line TOGA VIRILIS, and a one-of-a-kind line TOGA PICTA, which is only available at directly managed stores.
Sale price / 銷售價格 $2,275.00 Regular price / 正常價格 $3,250.00 Sale / 促銷價
Regular price / 正常價格 $4,680.00
Regular price / 正常價格 $4,380.00