In 1999, the keyword, "BRISTOL", that has existed inside of "SOPH." was defined as an imaginary football club for the first time, and then "F.C Real Bristol" started as an independent label to express a new category that see football as a lifework, and suggesting original fashion that imaging all the people who exist with the imaginary football club such like players and supporters. "NIKE" agreed with the concept that develops soccer uniforms as original fashion wear by it's creative concepts. It means a real existing company sponsored an imaginary football club.and it became an epic-making collaboration brand.
"F.C.R.B." also planned a project called <F.C.R.B. Stadium Project> with an architect, Nobuo Araki who is the designer for SOPH. shop. They defined this project as a plan for building home stadium for the imaginary football club, and the main activities for the project are designing stadium, making scale models for the stadium, designing T shirts and goods such like lunch box, and the concept for selling these goods was the money they got from these goods should use to built the stadium with the cooperation of supporters. the ecological theme for the project that materials reduce to the soil such like the concept models for "biomax" with the cooperation of "DUPONT (INVISTA)" leads to the exhibition called <F.C.R.B. stadium project exhibition> that held in national museum of emerging science and innovation in 2004. the project has earned great evaluation for it's strong massage for building a stadium in the point of view of today's environmental problems.
The designer, Hirofumi Kiyonaga's great passion for football supports the football in both imaginary and real existing world, and he has sponsored real football club 'Oita Trinita' for J league. In 2007, the year of starting season for professional futsal league, F league, "F.C.R.B." also started their futsal collection, "FCRB-FIVE", and start sponsoring 'Oita Vasagey' for F league. The contribution to football society from fashion industry has received great supports from various first-rate athletes such like players from J-league, and F.C.R.B. grows as an imaginary big club.
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