All orders placed from the U.S. will be shipped directly from our Japan office.

Purchasing service / 代購服務


  • 我們可以從日本網店預訂閣下希望購買的商品, 預訂貨品需先付最少貨品金額的一半作訂金, 貨品會將於付訂後約一星期到貨。如不幸地閣下所訂貨品已完賣, 訂金將全數退回。
    We can place an order for the item from the online store in Japan. The item will arrive at our shop about a week after you have paid at least half of the deposit. If the item you ordered is sold out, we will refund the full amount of the deposit you have paid.

  • 請仔細考慮產品預計到貨期,會因應節日、環境等種種因素有限度延遲,所有已訂購之產品,除官方取消發售該產品外,恕不能退款或更改產品款式。Please take note of the expected delivery time for your product, as there may be some delays due to factors such as holidays and environmental conditions. All ordered products are non-refundable or exchangeable unless the manufacturer officially cancels the product. Thank you for your understanding.

  • 海外(香港以外)顧客亦可使用此服務,
    請注意我們回覆的預訂價並不包括寄往閣下所在地的運費。Overseas customers can also use our Japan Shopping service. Please note that the replied pre-order price does not include the shipping cost to your country. 收費:


  • 當閣下送出訂單後,我們會盡快回覆閣下貨品的預訂價,
    由於此預訂價會以我們報計算, 所以預訂價只在我們回覆的電郵的即日內有效,如未能在限時付訂金, 請再重新發送訂單, 重新報價。
    After we receive your order form, we will reply with an email that includes the pre-order price of the item. The price is based on the currency rate from the day, so the pre-order price is only valid on the day of our replied email. If you are not able to pay the deposit in time, please resend the order form for a new pre-order price.

Shipping Cost:

  • 運費將在取貨時收取,



    The shipping cost of your ordered item will be charged when it arrives in-store, which will be calculated by weight or volume of goods (the higher one).

     The formula for volume of goods is as follows,

    length (cm) x width (cm) x height (cm) / 5000

    Every 500g cost 45HKD (less than 500g will be rounded up as 500g)

    Once customers confirm their orders, it indicates that they have read and understood all the terms and conditions of the transaction, including the price of the product.


  • 根據日本的出口限制,部份貨品不能提供國際郵寄服務的物品,
    你可到 禁運品一覽 查看。
  • According to Japanese Customs, some products are restricted and prohibited. Customers please refrain from placing orders for these items. We are not liable for any damages or losses incurred and do not offer refunds or cancellations for orders containing these items.
  • For overseas customers, please check the provisions of your own country concerning prohibited items before placing an order. In the case that any prohibited or restricted item has been discovered after being shipped, handling fees or costs charged by the shipping company will be the customer's responsibility.
  • You may visit BANNED ITEMS LIST for more information.