- 圖片可能與實際商品會有些許差異。The image may have slight variances from the actual product.
- 顧客可選擇於順豐智能櫃,順豐站自取,或於本店自取。Customers have the option to collect their orders from SF Express smart lockers, SF Express stores, or our store.
- 貨品之包裝外盒,因運輸期間或會出現凹陷情況,本店恕不負責,貴客亦不可以此為退貨或退款之理由。We do not take responsibility for any dents or damage to the outer packaging of the goods that may occur during transportation. Customers cannot use this as a reason for returning or refunding the product.
Attention : This item is not eligible for exchange, refund or return service.